Friday, January 25, 2008

Nov 18, 2007

“Not Enough”
Brian Reid, NTUBC, November 18, 2007

On February 7, 1999, I was baptized into the family of God. I was so honored to think that, even with all my faults, Jesus still accepted me.

Before that time, I served my local church (in a supportive role), as usher, greeter, and anything else, I was asked to do – but, that was not enough.

After being baptized, I took on bigger roles that included serving on various boards and committees; – but, that was not enough.

I, then, began to volunteer for responsibilities that included leadership roles. I took every opportunity to:

* speak in front of people
* to lead small groups
* to read scriptures
* to pray for people
* or to give the children’s story.

But, that was not enough.

I had a pulling on my heart to do more, and more, and more.
I simply wanted to serve.

Pastors, Ministers, and Priests are ‘called’ by God – to serve others.

But, what does that mean, to be ‘Called by God?’

Well, it’s a pulling upon the heart, to do more, and more, and more; simply to serve.

John 5:25;
“A time is coming, and has now come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear, will live.”

A ‘Call’ is a personal message, an invitation, from God, to serve Him, and to further His Kingdom. ‘Calls’ are unique to each person, and can come in various forms.

* a feeling – inside your heart connected to your brain
* an audible voice or sound
* a dream or vision
* through the encouragement of others
* a ‘knowing’ or ‘sensing’ – you are doing the right thing
* Christ Himself might appear to you, saying – “follow Me”

Sometimes the message is received instantaneously; and that person takes action, and makes changes in their lives – right away.

Other times, the person may choose to, not receive the message; and run from the ‘Call’ – avoiding it at all costs. Only, later to ‘give in’ to God’s urging

(tell story of Colin Cook, me, Tim Horton’s, someone told him -‘run as fast as you can the other way’)

Sometimes, the person does not recognize the message from God, and they miss their ‘Calling.’

Some, do recognize the ‘Call,’ understand what God is asking, and simply say; “No.”

My ‘Call?’
Through the encouragement of others, and my own searching, I sensed God’s call on my life; to serve. It seemed, no matter what I did, or was doing, for my church (and for God), I was encouraged, assured, and inspired – by others.

Then, one, early, Saturday morning, while exploring a nearby park, and thinking about what I should do with the rest of my life, my calling was confirm by God’s still, small voice.

In that park, the wind blew and howled; then the whistling of the wind sudden stopped, and a low, base voiced called my name; “Brian.”

I looked all around, there was no one to be found. I was the only one in the park, at that time.

The voice did not tell me to ‘do anything,’ or, ask me to ‘follow Him.’ God simply called my name; as clear as a bell.

Isaiah 30:21 says;
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying: This is the way, walk in it.”

I knew (then) that I was on the right path, and that I should continue to do God’s work, but - in a more focused way. Later, family and friends re-confirmed my choice, through their words of encouragement. This, I also discerned, to be a message from God.

A ‘Call’ can be seen as…
* an entrustment – God entrusts us to do something
* delegation – tasks are delegated to us to perform
* assignment / order / command
* duty / obligation / responsibility

A ‘Call’ is simply a Commissioning, by God, to serve Him, by serving others.

In Matthew 28:19-20, we hear about “The Great Commission.”

But, just before that, in verse 18, Jesus speaks to His remaining 11 disciples, for the first time, since His death and resurrection, at the mountain, near Galilee.

Jesus says;
“I have been given complete authority, in heaven, and on earth.”
This verse is often overlooked, when searching the Bible. This verse often gets forgotten, or, is not even considered within “The Great Commission.”

But, listen again to what Jesus said;
“I have been given complete authority, in heaven, and on earth.”

This is another commissioning. Jesus is given / entrusted with a huge responsibility by His Father – even before the disciples are commissioned.

What was He given? “complete authority”
And, to where, or to what? “in heaven, and on earth”

Ephesians 1:20-21;
“God put this power to work in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at the right hand, in the heavenly places; far above all rule, and authority, and power, and domination; and above every name, that is named, not only in this age, but also in the age to come.”

After Jesus’ authority was established; then, He gives his disciples, the commandment.

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey, everything that I have commanded you.”

Jesus institutes, within the humble beginnings of the early church, a mission of global portions, ‘to make disciples of all nations.’

Here, ‘disciple’ means student, or follower, of the same doctrine or teacher. That teacher, and that doctrine, was Jesus Christ, the Lord. The kind of discipleship, that Jesus was talking about, was one of humbleness to His teachings; to build their lives around those customs; to walk that path - even at great costs.

But, it was not enough that these ‘people’ (disciples) should follow the teachings of Christ, but they, too, must share the gospel with others.

‘Disciple’ means following Jesus’ life example, and bringing others to God, and training, and encouraging them to follow similar practices. That’s what a disciple really is!

The Great Commission is one of the greatest passages of the bible - for any Christian. Jesus was speaking to his disciples at a mountain in Galilee, after his triumphant resurrection and appearance. This is the commandment, that Jesus gave, to the remaining 11 disciples, just before he ascended into heaven.

In the passage, Jesus is telling his disciples ‘to go forth, and make other disciples.’

The very last line of ‘The Great Commission’ is (sometimes) overlooked as well;
“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”

Here, Christ affirms, encourages, and reassures His disciples, that He will be with them always – even to the very end of the time.

Even though Jesus would, a short time later, ascend into heaven, He would still be with them.

He would not be with them, physically, but spiritually, through the Holy Spirit, and would never leave them. It is through the Trinity, that this is possible. God is with us, even today, through that same ‘Spirit of the Trinity.’

To summarize;
Shortly after the crucifixion, Jesus raises from death. He summons his disciples to Galilee, where He speaks to their doubts. There, He puts forth His ‘request’ to them.

He requests their help, in fulfilling His Father’s mission, of His worldwide church. But, Jesus is not just speaking to his 11 remaining disciples; He is speaking to all of us, Christians.

Often, when people think of Pastors, Ministers, and Priests, they think that these people (who are ‘Called’), are the only ones that spread the word; not so.

All of us, are sent out to further His kingdom, by evangelizing the world.

We, then, are asked to teach others how to follow Jesus. And those, we teach, will also teach – ‘each one, will teach, one,’ and the Kingdom of God will expand and grow.

The whole point of ‘making disciples’ is to evangelize the world, to communicate the Gospel to all, and to be ambassadors of Christ; both clergy (Pastors, Ministers, Priests) and laity (the laypersons) all of you.

Being ‘Called into Ministry” is a connection to Christ’ disciples, and ‘The Great Commission’ – for we are all ‘Called by God.’

Every Christian’s, first priority, should be sharing God’s word. So, as Christians, both the Laity and the Clergy, are all called to go out, spreading the Gospel, evangelizing the world.

The Clergy, those who are “Called” share a responsibility with everyone else, to ‘to make disciples of all nations.”

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one, of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for Me.”

We love Christ, because He first, loved us; we have been given eternal life, because Christ was the first to raise from the dead – the first-fruit of death; and those who are called, serve, because God commissioned Christ to serve – first.

No matter what we are ‘called’ to do for Christ sake, or in God’s name, God has already laid the foundation, and made ready - the way.

So, today, I ask you to search your heart.

Do you have that pulling?
Is there an inner voice telling you to do more, more, and more? Do you have an urging to spread God’s word, and God’s love?
Is, what you’re doing for the Lord – not enough?

Let’s Pray;

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