Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 13, 2007

“God Can Use You”

Sometimes, we look at other people, and see the great things they have accomplished; and we think we could never be like them; and we could never accomplish anything great, or do anything noble. Often we sell ourselves short, and fall into that pit of self-doubt and low self-confidence.

But I am here today, to tell you; “God Can Use You” – just as you are.

Take as an example, the lowly, common ant; a creature far down the food-chain and low in intelligence. These creatures scurry about, under our feet, and to some – serve no real purpose, but to invade our summer-time picnics.

But, in a recent, 3-year study, done by University of Wisconsin, the Ants, were reported to have helped enrich the forest, by carrying tons of soil from below ground to the surface.

One colony of ants, upon inspection, had moved 15 tons of subsoil, building clusters of large mounds of soil, and burrowing 5 ½ feet below the surface. This ‘deep plowing,’ done by these small pests, increases the nutrients, and organic matter to the surface soil in the forest – thus renewing and replenish the forest.

These common ants do serve a purpose, and are important pieces within the bigger picture, with a far-reaching affect.

You too can have a far-reaching affect, on the bigger picture of this world. God Can Use You, when you view others and their circumstances with compassion.

Verse 35; tells us that Jesus had already started the harvest, and was working diligently at it. He was teaching and preaching in the Holy temples. Many, many people were coming to be healed from all kinds of infirmities and aliments; some physical and some emotional. The people were wandering aimlessly, like sheep without a shepherd.

As stated in Verse 36;
Jesus remained completely, and consistently, compassionate, through out His ministry. From the time He sent His disciples on their first witnessing mission, until His death, Jesus was ‘moved, with compassion.’

The compassion here, and the love, we outlined last week in 1 Corinthians 13, are inseparable. Christian love enables us to accept and love people, who are different from us. Christian love enables us to come to the aid of those in need. Christian love enables us to change this world that we live in.

Love, Christian love;
“…beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love (Christian love) never fails”

Christian love reaches out in compassion, in caring, in kindness, and in tenderness to people in need. Because there are so many of God’s people in desperate conditions - lost to His love, mercy and grace, that God Can Use You.
People react differently, by the desperate needs of other people. Some are moved to fear, and are afraid of getting involved or don’t know how to help; some are moved to shame, as they are filled with guilt about not being able, or wanting, to help; while others are moved with out-right rejection; and turn and look the other way.

But, Christians should be moved to compassion. Christians think about such things differently, and only want the best for their fellow-man. We, Christians can make a real difference in this world. We can come to the aid of those in need, and (then) serve as examples to others.

Sir Winston Churchill, in the face of desperation, once asked Billy Graham; ‘Young man, do you have any hope?”

Hope for the future, is the foundation of compassion towards others. In our concern, we see what others may not be able to see, and we take action, we come to their aid; in working towards a hopeful future.

With that attitude, God Can Use You.

Verse 37;
Christ faced the challenge of evangelizing His people, straight on. He knew of the immense job that lay ahead of Him. He knew the responsibility was overwhelming, and He also knew, that only a few were willing to become involved, in such a daunting task.

But, He responded to this challenge, NOT with despair or frustration, but with hope and enthusiasm.

As long as we approach our challenges with doubt, fear, and despair, as long as we give reasons why the church will fail, and as long as we expect and accept mediocre accomplishments, we will never be anything, but an obstacle, to the progress of God’s work.

How have you responded to the challenges of doing God’s work? Have you felt despair and frustration? Have you thought about giving in or giving up? Have you asked God for help?

Because of the tremendous job to be done, the job requires many to help; many hands make light work. Verse 37 is simply saying; “There is much to be done, many to be won; it is a real challenge.”

Helping people turn to Christ, who are trying to escape the boredom and torment of life, is a most tedious and rewarding undertaking. We are living in an age of decadence and escapism.

Normal, everyday people, unhappy with what life has given them; hurt. They long to elude and evade, the pain and suffering. They seek a different existence, and they search for relief; knowing NOT, that relief and salvation is so very close.

For those who do not know, someone needs to ‘show & tell.’ The church has the challenge to lead people to a ‘life in Jesus Christ.’

Deep within every believer, lies the courage, to be enthusiastic about their faith. But, a handful of church workers is not enough, in the face of such a tremendous harvest of souls; for which God holds the church responsible. Because the harvest is great, and the workers are few, those chosen few, must take on this burden, with optimism and intensity.

If you face every challenge with hope and excitement, God Can Use You.

In the face of this overwhelming challenge, we are tempted to come to god mournfully, complaining about the heavy hardship - He has placed upon us. But, Christ says we should come to God, prayerfully.

Verse 38; reminds us that Jesus is the ‘Lord of the Harvest.’ He is the one to whom the harvest belongs; we are only His Reapers. His highest concern, is the souls of the lost, and the battle that rages with the unmentionables. Our responsibility is to enter the fields, if the harvest is to be gathered.

Entering the fields, means, becoming involved and doing what God asks us to do. One way we can help, is to pray for the work of the reapers and to pray for more workers.

‘But, what can I do?’ you may ask.
I have no talent or anything to offer.
I have no energy, and my willingness to take on a huge responsibility is close to nil. I simply don’t want anything added to my already overflowing plate of obligations.

Well, there are 3 simple, very simple things you can do, to aid in this harvest.

1. You can look at people and their circumstances, through the eyes of compassion; and act accordingly. God doesn’t want you to become overwhelmed and over-worked, He wants to be compassionate to others.

2. You can respond enthusiastically, to the challenges of doing the Lord’s work. If you look at those burdens, as opportunities, to show people the love of God - that is within you, then these hardships and strains (of doing that work), become testimonies of hat God can accomplish – through other people.

3. You can pray for all the workers of the Harvest. You can ask God to grant them strengthen, in the midst of opposition. You can ask God to grant them guidance, in the face of uncertainty. You can ask God to grant them peace of mind, in the face of frustration.

You can also ask God to send more reapers; ‘for the harvest is great, and the workers, few.’

These 3 things, will not over-extend or burden you; but doing these 3 things (if nothing else at all), will have a huge impact on those who have entering the field for the harvest.

When Jesus told His disciples, who were already ‘working the harvest,’ to ask God for more workers, He was not suggesting that they were doing a poor job, He simply knew that help was needed.

It is only through hope, trust, and belief, that we can accomplish what God has set out for us to do. We must have hope, that what we do will serve a purpose, are important pieces - within the bigger picture (of this world), and will have a far-reaching affect. We must trust that God will provide what we have asked for. We must believe that the victory has already been won – for it has.

Because, of your compassion, enthusiasm, and prayer, combined with your hope, trust, belief, God Can Use You!

Let us pray;

Prayer of Cleansing

“Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hidden:
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts,
by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love You,
and worthily magnify Your Holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen”

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