Thursday, November 1, 2007

Opening Remarks & Welcome

Welcome, to the New Tusket United Baptist Church. And thank you for coming to this very special evening. My name is Brian Reid, and as Pastor of this church, and on behalf of the entire congregation, I welcome you.

In today’s society, Church takes a back seat to many other things. Hockey and soccer practice for the kids, sleeping in, vacations; and the list of excuses - continues.

But, God is good, and He makes it possible, to not drive very far, without passing by a church. For some, they simply do – pass by; but for others, Church is Home.

And, that is what tonight is all about; a celebration for those who call this Church Home. This Anniversary / Roll-Call service is a coming home for many people – so welcome home; one and all.

On July 27, 1843, the New Tusket United Baptist Church was organized, and brought into service. Since that time, this church has served it’s community, and the community has served God; by service to this church.

Every anniversary, we can look back at our history with pride. We are inspired by the faith, and dedication, of the founders of this church; as well as the devotion of the many members who have given service to this church. And, by given service to this church, they have joined into service to the King; for “others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
Invocation Prayer:

Heavenly Father, Gracious Redeemer, & Everlasting God;
We come before you at this time seeking Your presence. We gather in Your name, as we gather to celebrate the life of Your Church, here in New Tusket.

You are the God of mercy, and of grace, and we humbly thank You for Your continued love. Your blessings abound and Your greatest in creation is majestic.

We come to give You honor and glory; as we praise what You have done in this community – through this church.

We seek for Your closeness. Come Holy Spirit, and fill this place!


“Come, Enter!”

On ___________, 1937, Rev. _____ Corbett from Annapolis Royal Baptist Church brought the message, and preached on John 4:38. Tonight, I will also and preached on John 4:38.


When you take the time to explore a church, with a history such as this one, you can discover many artifacts from the past – such as this one.

Can anyone tell me what this was used for?

That’s right. It was used to collect the offering. Some say it was also used to tap the person, if they did give enough. (not true)

This artifact, from a bygone era, dates back to a time before I was even born (probably). Never-the-less, it is a piece of history that was used in Service to God.

These 2 Bibles (also) serve to connect with this Church’s past. Over the years, many people have read from the pages, many people have been changed by the words within. For, these 2 Bibles were also used in Service to God.

And, as I look around this congregation, I see many members of this church. I see the 2, newest, members; Gladys Sullivan and April Main. I also see some people who have been members a little longer;
And, what is so amazing about all this, is that these 3 items, these 3 relics, antiques, rarities, heirlooms, these 3 artifacts, and the many names we heard earlier; all have something in common - Service to God.

Being a member of this church means entering into a relationship with God; entering into an agreement, a covenant with the other members; it means entering into Service; entering into the Labors of Others. Our scriptures, this evening, talk about such Labors.

Jesus had just finished talking with the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus told her about the Spring of Living Water, He knows all her secret sins, but, still offers her, and her people, hope.

After she departs, to spread the word through out the city, the disciples arrive. They urge Jesus to eat something but He says; “I have food, of which you do not know.”

The food that Jesus spoke of, was His Spiritual Nourishment. Food for the soul; food for the spirit; food to build up your faith. That was the Spiritual Nourishment that He was talking about. Jesus knew what his Father could offer. Jesus brought that message of salvation with Him, and that message of salvation, was Him.

Today, we attend Bible study, attend church, and we pray. But, is there anything else, that builds faith? Is there anything else, that nourishes the spirit and the soul?

By all means, Yes!
Service to God, not only feeds the other person, but it also sustains the faith within us. Just by doing, do we also benefit. For we are nourished, not only by what we take in, but also by what we give out – for God.

Verse 34;
Jesus said; “My food is to do the will of Him, who sent Me, and to accomplish His work.”

Spiritual Nourishment also comes from doing God’s will and helping to bring His work of salvation to completion; Service to God - entering into the Labors of Others.

Verse 35;
“Do you not say, ‘There are yet 4 months, then comes the harvest?’ I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest.”

Are you doing God’s work? Have you entered into God’s Service? Have you entered into the Labors of Others?

Sometimes, we Christians, make excuses not to witness.
“He isn’t ready yet.”
“They wouldn’t understand.”
“It’s not my responsibility.”

We rationalize our ‘lack of action,’ by saying our family and friends aren’t ready to believe. Jesus makes it very clear, in this passage, that around us is a continual harvest that awaits to be reaped.

Jesus makes it very clear, that we need not wait until the end of summer, we can, and should, be harvesting now. The fields were ripe for harvesting, for there were many people, just like the woman at the well, already in the city. Now, is the time to enter into His Service, and enter into the Labors of Others.

Jesus goes on, to tell of the benefit, and the outcome, of such a harvest.

Verse 36;
“He who reaps, receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.”

The wages, Jesus offers, is the joy of working with Him, and seeing the harvest of believes; which could include your family and friends – if only you would act now. These wages come to the planter, the sower, and the harvester, the reaper alike; because both find joy in seeing new believers come into God’s Kingdom.

For, anyone who participates in the ultimate harvest, is ultimately blessed. Both enjoy working God’s Harvest, and both have entered into the Labors of Others.

Jesus then brings it all together, into a neat, little package;
Verse 37; “One sows, and another, reaps.”

Verse 38;
“I sent you to reap that which you did not labor; others have labor, and you have entered into their labor.”

This reference is most likely connecting the Disciples entering into the harvest, begun by the preparation and the past work of the prophets, John the Baptist’s ministry; and the very works of Christ. For many people contribute to the spiritual harvest in human lives. Many, who reap, reap the benefits of what others have sowed. Others have done the work of sowing and cultivating; but the end result is due to the work of all of them – both the sower and the reaper.

Then, the harvest arrives. The people from the city showed up in great numbers, and the disciples entered into the Labors of Others; all in response to the simple personal testimony of the Samaritan woman from the well. For she too, entered into the Labors of Others.

Tonight, I simply ask, as a member of this church, that you would also enter into the Labors of Others, and help spread the word. For the harvest is great, and the workers are few.

Let us pray, together.

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