Thursday, November 1, 2007

Laity Talk

In the coming weeks, I will be presenting a series of messages on the Building Up of the church – Church Growth; through the understanding of the different roles within the church.

1st week – Oct 28; Understanding who the Laity of the church is, and what (if any) is their role.

2nd week – Nov 4; Explanation of Jesus’ role in the church – through the understanding of Communion.

3rd week – Nov 11; Remembrance Day Service.

4th week – Nov 18; Understanding the Clergy’s role (through the Great Commission).

5th week – Nov 25; Understanding God’s role in the church

Mathew 4:19 – “Follow me and I will make you Fishers of men.”

Well, Follow along then.

I came here today - to Tell, Tell, Tell.
First, I came here today to tell you - that Christ changed my life.
Period! Forever! Amen!
Second, I came here today to tell you - that you can have the same thing happen to you.
Period! Forever! Amen!
And third, I came here today to tell you – that you can influence many.

Today, I will be talking about a door; not just any door; this door.
Well, not really this door; the Door of Opportunity; the Only Door.
The only door in life, that matters.
The door that leads to God.



Laity Clergy

In the form of a triangle, three things make up the Church. God at the very top, the clergy at one corner (pastors, priests, ordained), and at the other corner is the Laity.

Who are The Laity?
In general; Laity = Layperson (non-ordained) in The Church;
The people as opposed to the clergy.
Those who sit in the pews.
Those people like you, plain ole’ regular Joe’s.

The Church is not the building, or the fellowship-hall, or the CE centre, or the sanctuary. The Church is a community of believers. And those believers (the Church), is how God conveys his message of Hope, and how he brings his Grace to the world.

So, if the believers are the Church, and the Church is how God brings His Grace to the world, then, you as believers, you as Laity, are God’s message of hope.

You are the Laity of the Church;
You are the Laity of God’s Grace;
And, each one of you, have a destiny in God’s world; for each of you has a message to give. For, you are the Church & you are the People of God, and each one of you can influence many.

How do we bring God’s Grace to His World?
As Christians, you are Examples of God.

Philippians 4:9;
“Keep putting into practice, all you learned from Me, and heard from Me, and saw Me doing; and the God of peace will be with you.”

You are examples of what God can do. You are examples of what God has done and continues to do; in the flesh, everyday, in real time. As Christians, as Laity, as the Church (in the world), you are God’s Living Word…His Living Messages.

As Laity, as examples of His living word, you will make Connections and develop Relationships. You first made a connection and developed a relationship, with the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, you will make connections with non-believers, and develop relationships with other Christians; all in the name of the Lord. And, all these relationships have certain things in common.

They are all personal, helpful, meaningful, spiritual, and everlasting.

As Laity, you are called upon to make these connections, to serve the Lord. This is your Mission in life; this is your mission in the Church (as the Church). This is your ‘call to action;’ for you are all called to be Apostles.

Jesus had his 12 Disciples. They were sent out to preach the gospel, they were sent out as messengers.

You will be sent out as well.
You will be sent out; to Tell, Tell, Tell.
You will be sent out into this world, to tell about His Grace

How do you start?
In the beginning, The World lives with its back to Christ; someone who has not heard the Good News, some one who is lost and searching – for what they do not know.

Those who do not know yet…are Non-believers
For no one has told them yet.
You must Tell them.
It is you mission, as Laity, as apostles, as the church in the world, to tell them – about God’s grace.

The Church is the connection to Christ.
The Church brings Christ to the world.
The Church brings the world to Christ.
You are the Church.

The Laity, laymen / women,’ you are all called to be examples, apostles, disciples, fishers, Living Sermons; as testimonies to God.
You must Tell, Tell, Tell.

All who believe (the Church), is the beginning of His Kingdom on earth. It is not a ‘what’, or a ‘thing’, but a ‘who.’

Romans 10:10;

“For it is by believing in your heart, that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.”

Who is the Church?
All of you, who are in union with Christ.
All of you, who have a relationship, or a connection with Christ.
All of you, who know Christ, personally.

This begins the reign of God on earth, but it is not all, and it is not everything. It is just the tip of the iceberg. The beginning of the good news, with the best yet to come.

You will tell.
And, He will come.

Him. He. Jesus. Christ. Lord.

It has already started!
Right here, within this congregation.
Right here, within this church.
Right here, within all of you.

Who are you?
You are The Church, as the Body of Christ (on earth), with every person, in the Church, being an intricate part of that Kingdom;

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Cor. 12:12

All that you do as parts of that Body…are both Visible and Invisible.

The Church is visible;
…with pastors, priests, deacons and laity;
…with organs, pianos, hymnals and bibles
…with steeples, pews, pulpits & crosses;
…with tears, fears & headaches and heartaches.

The Church is Invisible with people who work tirelessly for His namesake; behind the scenes, those in supportive roles.

Such as:
The Janitor / Caretaker of the buildings.
Those who set-up & take-down tables & chairs, in the fellowship hall.
The single mom, who only puts a toonie in to the collection plate,
(every cent she had).
Those who pray silently for others.
Those who do things without any expectations of a thank-you.
Those who do, those who give, & those who are…

The Church is visible, as we make a difference in this community.
The Church is invisible, with a union of Christians within a world;
…Within a world that they fill with:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control.

Galations 5:22 calls them…
The Fruit of the Spirit.
I say;
The Fruit of His Spirit.

Visible & invisible; all at the same time.

Your mission…should you choose to accept it?
To represent Christ and His Church,
To bear witness to…
To carry on His work, according to your God given talents.
To Evangelize and Christianize this world (His world).
To help others…(to do something – not nothing).
To bring others (the world) back to God.

Even with your own struggles, to find the truth, your own doubt, and complacency, your true mission is to lead others to Christ.

Characteristics of such a person.
Laypersons live and work in the real world.
Their mission, your mission; is to bring Christ to this world by living normal lives & seizing opportunities to Tell, Tell, Tell.

Like, I am doing today, and like all of you can do, daily; To tell others about Him. For God works through laypeople.

You will not only ‘talk the talk’ but you will ‘walk the walk.’
You are Living sermons, examples, apostles, disciples.

But there are times when…
(I, for example) sometimes fail @ my task, and fall short of the glory of God; but through God’s saving Grace…I am helped up, I am dusked off, given hug, and I am off again.

This will happen to you.
You will fail & fall.
Just confess, ask for forgiveness, ask for help, and move on.

You all live and work, in the real world, and it is your responsibility, your destiny, your mission, to Tell, Tell, Tell.

The Clergy teach, preach, govern and administer the sacraments; clergy of the Church are the spiritual leaders.

They are ‘of the cloth.’
Someone who is appointed,
Schooled in theology,
Of God and everything that is sacred and heavenly.

You, the Laity, work along side of the clergy, to bring about change…
1 starfish at a time.

The Laity and clergy work together to…
Unify the whole Church – God’s Church.
This is God’s Grace, His world and His Church; unified.

And when laypeople are motivated;
When you are motivated to Tell, Tell, Tell…
You will take the initiative,
You do things a little bit different (then the clergy)
You will walk a different path, and show things in a new way.

The result: new believers, new directions, new life, and new realizations,
New Revelations.

In Scripture it says:

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in, and eat with him, and he with me.

Making the connection between the life of Grace and the modern world is a layperson’s mission. The connection, the key - is the Church.
And, you are the Church.

You and me.
Both Laity and clergy – make up God’s Church, in the world

So, when you bring a family member, a friend, co-worker, an acquaintance, to a hymn sing, to pot-luck supper, to a special service;
You are not only bringing them to the church building, but, you are guiding then into the God’s Church – which means being among God’s people.

By your actions, you are showing them a sermon in real time, and opening a door for them. Opening a door to Grace, the Grace of God.
You are opening the door, this door, the Door of Opportunity;
The Door to God.

Revelation 3:8
Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.

* Conclusion

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