Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 16, “How Can I Help You?”

“How Can I Help You?”
Brian Reid, NTUBC, September 16, 2007

This week I have felt very disconnected from the community, and the congregation, and have felt quite lonely. Sometimes this happens to Pastors. After thinking about that for while, I realized that (sometimes) many of you, may feel the same way; disconnected from family, friends, and Christ.

Then, to make matters worse, we hide in our houses, as Satan fills our hearts and minds with fears, doubts and misconceptions.

By Thursday evening (of this week), today’s service was 99% completed. But, when I woke up Friday morning, God laid upon my heart, another sermon, based on how I was feeling (this week), and based on the fact that I still (really) don’t know a lot of you - and you certainly don't know me.

Then, wrapped up into all of that, as a Pastor, you many not know what I can do for you.

So, this morning, I want to answer a question that many of you may have;

What can the Pastor do for me?

First & foremost, he, your Pastor, is an intermediary, a go-between, an agent for God; and he can Pray for you.

He can pray for you;
in times of struggles, pain and sickness
for renewed health and welfare
when your going on holidays and trips
for the resolution of stressful situations - your going through
before important meetings
doctor appointments and when your seeing specialists

He can Pray for your mink ranches
Sales, meetings, and the continuation of the market
before, during, and after belting season
at breeding time
in the heat of the summer, and in the dead of winter, that not
many mink will die

He can Pray for cooperation among the ranchers & workers,
that everyone pulls their own weight,
does their fair share.

He can…
Sit with you in times of loneliness and sorrow
feel your pain
Listen to your concerns and fears of everyday life, for he offers the ministry of presence.

He is someone who is not afraid of Satan, the devil, or his darkness. But, someone who understand it, knows of its power, respects the fact, that evil is all around us, BUT, he has the faith of a mustard seed, and has a firm foundation of belief - based on the authority of the scriptures.

He can share in your joys and your sorrows.

You can tell your pastor things, you can't tell anyone else. He will not judge you, or condemn you. He will most likely, tell you the truth, in a loving, helpful manner - which could sting at first.

But, be reassured, he does understand the frailty of the human condition.

You must know, he has also sinned (and fallen short of the glory of God), and he knows and understands what redemption is, and only wants the very best for you, Also, he will do everything in his power, to restore you, to a place of acceptance and honor - back among the people of God.

He reminds you that, ‘yes, we all make mistakes,’ but we don't have to dwell (forever) in the house of pain, guilt and punishment.

He will stand against injustice, and walk beside those who walk alone. He is an earthly representation of God, a man of Christ - but also is a fallen, and recovering, sinner, just like everyone else.

He is someone you can complain to, when God's will in your life seems unfair. He is also someone you can tell of your blessings - knowing God hears all.

He is a marriage counsellor, and has felt the surface of the rough road of matrimony; and has also worked through painful and hurtful situations, to make his marriage better and stronger. And he and his wife seek to be married for a long time.

He wants you to ask him the tough questions of marriage (and life), and ask how God can bless a relationship. He will strive to show and tell you, how a couple can grow closer to each other - by growing closer to God.

He can help you understand the scriptures, and share with you the different meanings hidden within certain passages. He will read the Bible to you, and with you, and help you listen for the "Sacred Rhythms" found in The Word.

You can ask any annoying, or bothersome question, you have of things written in the Good Book, that seem to contradict one another. You and him, can discover these answers together.

He will sit beside your bed, in the late evening of life, sing the praises of your existence, lived in Christ, and help, lay you, peacefully, in your final resting place.

He will be there for your family, as they grieve, morn, and express anger towards God for taking their loved one away. He understands the hurt, and sting of death, and will reassure you, that God does have a plan for you, God knows your pain; and will carry you over the hard road.

You can tell, your most secret-secrets to him. You can confess your worst habits, or most disgusting sins, thoughts and feelings; and know he will help you find solace, comfort, relief; as well as discover compassion and peace from God - and yourself.

He is a Man of God, but also a Child of God - like you. You can turn to him for encouragement, but he needs it, also.
There will be days when you will be so confused, bewildered, baffled and disoriented, that you won’t know which way to turn. Your Pastor, has those days as well.

Your pastor seeks to get to know each person in the community. He wants to understand the real you, the person you really are.

Not the “presented self” at church, but the humble and vulnerable person you are - safe at home.

He will listen to your hopes, dreams and fears.

He knows the importance of family, and doesn't care whether your house is spotless or not, and doesn't mind the kids crawling all over him.

He enjoys home cooked meals, likes chocolate, and steaming hot tea (with milk and sugar); and offers the same to you. He lives in a house that is not his, but it is his home; and volunteers that home, as a sanctuary - for anyone; if even just for 5 minutes.

He can sit and talk with you for hours, and he can sit, silently, holding your heart, in his hands.

He will hug you (when you're down - so low), he will shake your hand (in congratulations), and hold that nail as you hit it with the hammer.

He can also shout in outrage (with you) at high gas prices, the dumb and stupefied things, that our idiot, government officials do.

He can help you figure out, who is to blame, but will encourage you, to not pass judgement on anyone; and ask you to look for the common ground. He knows that is hard to do; and he himself (also) struggles in this area.

He doesn't pretend to know everything about the community he lives in; and he will never try and tell you how to run your mink ranch, how to sing, or chastise you for missing a few Sundays. He will simply pray for you.

Your pastor enjoys getting colored pictures from the kids, and invites you to come to the office, and see the “wall of fame.”

He has walked through-out this church, when no one is around, and has marveled at the work that is done here. He seeks to bring many to Christ (with your help), loves to look out, and see all your smiling faces.

But, he invites you to come to the sanctuary, alone, and listen for the quietness of Christ.

He knows that God has plans for each of you, and encourages you, to follow the will of God in your life.

Your pastor has a spouse, and a daughter, so he knows how you feel about spending time away from yours. He, also, dreads the phone calls in the middle of the night (which bring bad news), but WANTS you to call, if you need him, for you are all like children to him.

You can call him with your prayer concerns, and he will pray for you, and with you. He will visit those who need a listening ear, and those lonely souls. He wants to get to know you, all, personally.

He longs to be part of this community, and (in love), offers himself as a servant.

He wants to help you connect with God, accept Christ, and live for eternity.

Hello, my name is Brian Reid; and I am your Pastor.

“How can I help you?”

Let’s pray;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!Those are beautiful words!I`m glad you did not give in to Satan`s false doubts!So easy it is to believe we are not helping or worth while,when in fact as believers we should KNOW God is Always using us!Keep praying and Keep trusting.....the rest is entirely up to God!
Prayers and blessings to you and your family.