Sunday, September 23, 2007

Aug. 26; “God’s Family”

“God’s Family”
Brian Reid – August 26, 2007

When we become Christians, we become part of the family of God. It is a time of great joy, happiness, hope and expectation.

But, what does that mean; being part of God’s family?

Well, we become brothers and sisters, in Christ, with many other people; and we are all believers. But, it is not us, that chooses who our family will be (as good as that sounds), it is God who determines who will be the other members of our Christian Family. We are simply called to accept them and love them. And, how you will treat them, is a reflection of the love you have for them.

In some types of ‘families,’ one must undertake certain steps, or rituals that prove allegiance to that ‘family,’ or group, club, or fraternity.

Being part of certain groups, requires a membership fee. Dues or money is paid to the group. Then and only then are allowed to be part of it.

Belonging to some clubs, require you to wear certain clothes or uniforms. Some fraternities demand it’s new members to wear the crest, logo, or Insignia of the group or organization; a badge, pin, scarf or hat.

Other, then putting on the Full Armor of God; being a Christian and belonging to the family of God does not!

Becoming a member of certain clubs require an application process, a checklist, certain documentation, certification, training and education. One must adhere to a mission statement or club rules and policies; and they encourage you to participate in as many events as possible, and to join one of the their many committees.

Being accepted into some fraternities, require you to do something strange, outrageous and shocking; maybe even scandalous, disgraceful or shameful. Being a Christian and belonging to the family of God does not!

Some of these things (that you have heard) may sound familiar, or may even be mandatory in some churches; but I reassure you of this, that belonging to God’s family, there are no prerequisites.

To belong to the family of God, all you have to do is believe – and God will accept you, with no strings attached, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.

Becoming a Christian, and becoming part of the family of God, require you to say 3 simple words; “I accept Christ!”

When you have accept Christ as Lord and Savior; you have accepted God’s plan of salvation; and you have shown your love to God, by showing your commitment and dedication to Jesus Christ. You are accepted and shown love, because you have accepted Christ and shown your love to Him.

Then, once you have become part of the family of God, the love within, stirs you to do; and to serve Christ and God, by serving others.

For those who love Christ, the hard-work and self-discipline of service, is no burden at all. For those who love Christ, doing things for Him, actually prove your love. And, for those who love Christ, think of the rewards in Heaven, that He has promised.

From our scripture readings;

This, first letter of John, is a call to fellowship with God; and is built upon the foundation of love, truth, and the Holy Spirit. This letter emphasizes the themes of knowing, believing, and abiding in Christ. And that belief in Christ, will be manifested, in the love, we have, for other Christians.

Christians, are simply called to love other Christians.

Verse 1, “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ, is a child, born of God; and everyone who loves the Father, loves his child, as well.”

If you are a child of God, you have been begotten by God.

Yes, you have been called to, singled out, beckoned to, encouraged, chosen, recruited, and accepted by God.

“God knew before He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He wrote your life story, before you were even born. You didn’t choose Him, He choose you.”

He liked you from the very beginning, He preferred you, He favored you, He picked you and selected for many reasons. Then, when He decided upon you, He made a commitment to you, and adopted you (as one of His children), and He embraced everything about you.

You! You - are a Child of God – forever.

And as a Child of God, and because you choose to love Him, the Spirit that is within you, prompts you to love other Children of God – other Christians. It is not something we are obligated to do, it is the Fruit of the Spirit, working within and upon your heart.

For the Fruit of the Spirit is the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit in us.

“…the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

“…and the greatest of these, the greatest of these - is love.”

So, when we become a child of God, God’s Holy Spirit begins it’s work in us, and we are changed, and we become more loving.

The Holy Spirit produces, in us, these quality traits, that are found in the Nature of Christ. We cannot obtain this fruit, without His help; and the only way we can get that help, and realize this fruit, is by believing in, and accepting Christ, and joining our lives to His.

Verse 2; “This is how we know that we love the children of God, by loving God and carrying out His commands.”

Here, John is saying, that the love of God, and the love for Mankind, are closely connected; the love for God is shown in the love of the brethren – brothers and sisters in Christ. The love of God and Mankind, and the life lived in accordance with, such love – is a union. It is connected and sealed together as a single, wholeness.

Verse 3; “This is love for God, to obey His command. And His commands are not burdensome.”

A real love for God is shown by a concern or seeking to do God’s will. We can define the love for God, by a natural expression, in doing things that please the Almighty, the Beloved; keeping His commandments, following His ways.

And furthermore, ‘keeping His commandments is not burdensome.’ His commandments are hard to follow at times, but if we really love God, then, even-thought they may be inconvenient, they are not difficult, troublesome or laborious.

At times, we will struggle with His commandments, and ‘fall short of the glory of God,’ but our failure is found in our human frailty, not in our love for Him.

Verse 4; “For everyone born of God overcomes the world…”

The most important word of this verse, is ‘overcomes.’ It is used in past-tense; the overcoming has already happen. The decisive victory is in the past, when Christ died to defeat evil, and when believers come to trust in Him. It is by trusting Christ, that we are given the victory; the victory that already has been won – so long ago, when Christ died and rose (triumphantly) again over death.

And when we accept Jesus, as the Christ, then, the victory is ours. Jesus has made it possible for all of us to have His victory; and we, then are victorious over the sins and evil of this world and over death itself.

Verse 5; “Who is it, that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.’

“And the ones who win this battle against the world, are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.”

Belief in Jesus as the Christ, and the love you have for fellow believes, are the hallmarks of true Christianity. We know that we love God, when, we love the children of God; and we know we love the children of God, when, we love Jesus Christ.

For everyone who believes, adheres to, trusts in, and relies on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, he/she is a born-again child of God. And, everyone who loves the Father, also loves the one born of Him – which is the offspring, of His offspring…all those who are Christian.

By this, we come to know, to recognize and understand, that we love the children of God; when we love God and obey His commands, and are mindful of His principles and His teachings.

For the (true) love of God is this; ‘that we do His commands – keep His ordinances.’ And these orders, of His, are not annoying, burdensome, oppressive or disturbing.

For whatever is born of God, is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world.

Who is it, which is victorious and conquers the world? It is he/she, it is all of you, who believe that Jesus is the Son of God; you, who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact.

For those of us, who love God, and show it by following Christ, are Children of God. Loving Christ, means loving God; which is seen, manifested and proven, by the love that we have for others.

For the Children of God, simply, love other Children of God.

Let’s pray;

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