Sunday, February 10, 2008

“Showers of Blessings”

“Showers of Blessings”
Brian Reid, NTUBC, February 10, 2008

These passages (verses 1 through 9) tell a very important story; but today I want to focus on God’s promises from verses 1-3;

Let me remind you;

“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household, to the land I will show you.

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’”

Chris, had always had, this one idea.

As a kid, his mother was always looking for him, in the woods surrounding their home. He would be gone, for hours-upon-hours; missing lunch and sometimes supper; for he was an explorer.

His father was always reprimanding and scolding him, and telling him to not wander so far from the house, because of the great danger that awaits in the wilderness.

But, Chris was not afraid of the unknown. Soon his attention turned to the waters, near his home. He built a small wooden boat; and unknown to his parents, had almost drawn, on more than one occasion. He would stand on the shore, speculating on what laid beyond the distance horizon.

But, as the years wore on, school and proper European manners, had replaced his sense of adventure – not! Early in his 40’s, Chris convinced, 2, well-to-do people, from Spain, to finance his adventure – his idea.

And, in 1492, Chris-topher, on his way – West, to the East Indies, discovered North America.

Chris, was not afraid of the unknown; for his faith, in his idea, was strong.

Abram’s faith in the Lord, was strong as well. He left everything he knew behind, to follow God’s instructions; and Abram believed that God would deliver these promises to him.

Abram traveled to Canaan, and God delivered on His promises. But, who was this man called Abram?

Abram, or, Abraham, as he was known later, was born when his father, Terah, was 130 years old. Abraham himself lived to be 175 years old. He grew up in the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, a flourishing civilization, which carried out extensive trade, and had a vast library – Abram was probably well-educated.
The city of Ur was in Babylonia; and the Babylonians practiced Idolatry, but, Abram was a righteous man, a believer in God, and one of the few, still holding onto, and following, one god.

Here, starts the story of Redemption. It had been hinted at, in the Garden of Eden. The serpent had tempted Eve, and she gave-in to those desires, then, Adam also ate from “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”

Then, the Lord found out what Adam and Eve had done, and how the serpent had tempted them; He was not pleased.

So, in Genesis 3:15, the Lord says this to the serpent; which hints towards the future.

“From now on, you and the woman, will be enemies, and your offspring, and her offspring, will be enemies. He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.”

The serpent, the Devil, Satan - is our natural enemy. He will do anything he can to get us, to follow his evil, sinful, and deadly path. So, we must be constantly, aware, and always, on the outlook, for the lies and the temptations, he spreads.

The phrase, ‘you will strike His heel’ refers to Satan’s repeated attempts, to defeat Christ during His life and times on earth. The phrase, ‘He will crush your head’ foreshadows Satan’s defeat, when Christ rose from the dead. For, a strike on the heel is not deadly, but a crushing blow to the head, is.

Here, way back in the Garden of Eden, the Almighty God was revealing His plan to defeat Satan, and offer Salvation to the world, through His Son, Jesus Christ. That was our future – foretold.

Now, over 2000 years after Creation, and the Fall of Man, some 400 years after the Great Flood, in a world, which had lapsed into Idolatry and Wickedness; God called Abram into service. When God called, Abram moved out in faith from Ur, to Haran, and finally to Canaan.

We all know that there are natural and logical consequences to any action we take, or any decision we make. We can, and often do, set into motion a series of events that may continue – long after we are gone.

Abram had a choice to make; weather to set out with his family and what ever they could carry, to ‘parts unknown,’ or stay put. Abram had a choice to make; weather to listen to God, following His instructions and directions, or turning from God’s promises. He had to decide between the security of what he already had, what he knew, what was comfortable and familiar, and the uncertainty of something unknown, strange, and foreign.

All, he had to go on, was the promises made to him by God. And what were these promises?

Through this Abrahamic Covenant, the nation of Israel was to receive three specific promises:

In short, the Lord said;

“I will make you a great nation, I will make your name great, and I will give you great blessings, if you do as I say.”

1. the promise of a great nation, involves territory and people;
Abraham and his people would inherit the land of Canaan,

2. the promise of a great name, meant that they would be known by many and honored by the same – for what they had done,

3. the promise of great blessings, meant that God would watch over them, protect them, and they would have the desires of their hearts.

Also, not only would this nation be blessed, but the other nations of the earth, would be blessed through Abram’s descendants. Israel, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God, and influence all those, whom they came in contact with.

Through Abram’s family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, people can have a personal relationship with God, and be blessed beyond measure.

Has God ever said to you, “Go to the land I will show you.”? He has to me, and here I am, living and serving, among you. Has God ever said to you, “Go to that place that is unfamiliar. Go, get out of your comfort zone.”? Has God ever said to you, “Trust Me, completely.”

Why don’t we want blessings from above?
Are they too hard to obtain?
What would we have to do?
What would you have to do, to receive such blessings?

Are you afraid that God would ask you to do something that you may not like, or want to do?

Are you afraid that God would ask you to do something that you feel you can’t do?

Where is your faith – in yourself?
Where is your faith – in God?

Well, faith in one’s self, comes from, and is developed through, your faith in God. Knowing and believing that God can do anything, and will do anything – is that faith.

He is waiting to bless you abundantly, for your commitment to Him.

Listen to these words from Ephesians 3:20-21;
“Now to Him, who, by the power at work within us, is able to accomplish, abundantly, far more than all we could ever ask for or image, to him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

This, is another one of those ‘absolute certainties.’

Listen once again; “Now to Him, who, by the power at work within us, is able to accomplish, abundantly, far more, than all we could ever ask for or image…”

The main words here are; “…abundantly, far more, than all we could ever ask for or image…”

You can have the desires of your heart, if you trust God, and follow His instructions and directions.

If a nobody, like Abram, can be called by God to start a revolution, to be the founder of a movement, having its objective as the atonement and redemption of all of mankind; if God was able to use him, why can’t He use you?

God promised, 3 blessings, if only if Abram would follow Him? So, Abram followed, and God delivered, on those promises, and granted Abram, the many blessings of faith.

Does that not show God’s commitment to us?
Can you not trust in His promises?
Wouldn’t you want to be blessed in such a manner?
Don’t you have the same kind of faith Abram had?
Well, yes you do - have that same kind of faith; maybe not yet developed. But, you can build your faith, to that of Abram, if you are willing to trust in God.

And, as a reward for your commitment, God will ‘shower you with His blessings.’

Let’s pray;

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